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Welcome to the world of Sofi Tsedaka & The Baladis, where ancient melodies and modern rhythms unite to create a transcendent musical experience. Rooted in the rich heritage of the Samaritan tradition and inspired by the timeless sounds of the Middle East, our music is a journey through the echoes of history, brought to life with contemporary flair. Just as the psalmists of old raised their voices in praise, we too lift our songs to bridge the generations, connecting past and present, East and West. Whether in the heart of Jerusalem or across the diaspora, we invite you to join us in celebrating the sacred and the modern, as we weave together the musical threads of our shared heritage.

The Baladis released their second album "Listen". In this album they bring together their musical work in Israel and around the world from the last few years. Together they move between the diverse vocal sources and traditions from Israel and the ends of the world, passing between languages and cultures and blurring the boundaries between them with pleasure.

Sofi & the Baladis Video

שימני כחותם - סופי צדקה וחנה ג׳האן פרוז - Set Me As A Seal - Sofi Tsedaka & Hanna Jahanforooz
סופי צדקה והבלאדים - ליבי כמו חג My Heart, As A Cycle
אעופה אשכונה: סופי צדקה, הדר מעוז, שרון בן צדוק וחנה ג'האן פרוז
סופי צדקה והבלאדים . Jerusalem International Oud Festival 2024. Sofi & the Baladis
הגידה לי / סופי צדקה והבלאדים Tell Me/ Sofi & the Baladis
מי ישקני יין- סופי צדקה והבלאדים Who will Bring Me to Drink Wine -Sofi Tsedaka & the Baladis
שירת העשבים סופי צדקה והבלאדים | Sofi Tsedaka&the Baladis Shirat ha’asavim
Sofi and the Baladis - Rebutalla [Liet International 2022]
יא מספר ווחדק-סופי צדקה-מתוך 'שירת נשים' תאטרון ענבל
תמאלי מעאק - סופי צדקה | تملى معاك | Tamally Maak Sofi Tsedaka
רמ"ח איבריי | סופי צדקה והבלאדים Ramach Evaray - Sofi & The Baladis
מה אהבתי - סופי צדקה והבלאדים Oh how I love- Sofi & The Baladis
קליפ חדש! רחלה וסופי צדקה משעול האהבה - Darb el mahaba-Sofi Tsedaka, Rechela
מגיד הרקיע- סופי צדקה והבלאדים - Sofi Tsedaka&the Baladis-Skies proclaim
סופי צדקה והבלאדים-השלום על משה - Sofi & the Baladis- Moses Peace Prayer
ים הרחמים - סופי צדקה והבלדים The sea of Mercy- Sofi & the Baladis
לא טוב היות האדם לבדו - סופי צדקה והבלאדים It is not good for man to be alone/Sofi Tsedaka
Eluhenu Sofi Tsedaka| סופי צדקה אלוהינו
تملى معاك | Tamally Maak Sofi Tsedaka
Ya Gamil - Sofi and the Baladis - יא גמיל- סופי והבלאדים
עבריה נועם וזאנה וסופי צדקה Hebrew Noam Vazana Sofi Tsedaka
I thank thee- מודה אני Sofi Tsedaka & Nani Noam Vazana - סופי צדקה ונועם וזאנה
Ya msafer wahdak- Lone Traveler- Sofi Tsedaka
סופי צדקה והבלאדים- האזינו | -Haazinu - Sofi & the Baladis
Sofi and the baladis | Doko el mazaher
סופי צדקה והבלאדים נורה נורה - Sofi and the baladis-Nura Nura
מי ישקני יין/סופי והבלאדים | Sofi & the Baladis/ whoever shell bring me the wine to drink
Sofi & the baladis | It is not good that the man should be alone - סופי צדקה והבלאדים לא טוב היות האדם לבדו
15.9.16 Sofi Tsedaka & the baladis
وادي الزهور/עמק הפרחים/ the flower valley
סופי צדקה והבלאדים - השלום על משה| Moses Peace Prayer- Sofi & the Baladis
Eluhenu Sofi Tsedaka - אלוהינו סופי צדקה (skip to 36s)
"Nura Nura "Sofi Tsdekaka and the Baladis
Sofi Tsedaka - Ana La Habibi | אנא לחביבי - סופי צדקה
Sofi & The Baladis
Sofi & The Baladis
Sofi & The Baladis
Sofi & The Baladis
Sofi & The Baladis
Sofi & The Baladis
Sofi & The Baladis
Shirat Ha'asavim-SQRCover
Sofi & The Baladis
The Song Festival for Regional and minority languages Liet International 2022
Sofi & The Baladis Denemark 2022
Sofi Tsedaka & the Baladis
The Opening Show of the Mera World Music Festival August 1th - 4th 2019 | Transylvania, Romania
‏‎Mera World Music Festival
The Opening Show of the Mera World Music Festival August 1th - 4th 2019 | Transylvania, Romania
Sufi Festival - May 2019
Kan -News
The Opening Show of the Mera World Music Festival August 1th - 4th 2019 | Transylvania, Romania
Sufi Festival - May 2019
Uzbekistan 2019
Back Stage TLV
Sufi Festival - May 2019
Harrison Country | Indiana
Sofi Tsedaka & the Baladis
Sofi Tsedaka
Back Stage Port Byron Illinis
Flint Michigen 2018
Midwest tour 2017-Minusota
Sofi and the baladis | WorkShop
Prairie du chein Edc 2018
Dickinson - Midwest 2017
Marietta Ohio 2018
Mekudeshet 2017
Pierre South Dakota - MIdWest 2017
Sofi & the Baladi-Papaito 19.3.2017
Sofi Tsedaka - Cameri Theatre
Mekudeshet 2017_Jerusalem
Tres Cultura 2017
Sofi Tsedaka at TUNE IN TEL AVIV 2016
Ariel Qasis
Sofi and the Baladis at the eastwest house
Rolling Midwest Illanois
Sofi and Yaniv Taichman
Yaniv taicman on the oud
The best words
Sofi at the Andalusian Orchestra
Sofi at the Zone music club
Sofi Tsedaka at the Gold edge festival
The Baladis at a rearcell
Qanun & Ariel-qassis
Rock Falls middle school US - Workshop
The language festival
Yogev Levi - Nai
Sofi and the Baladis
The Laguage concert
ofi Tsedaka at the egypt songs concert
Qanun: Ariel qassis|
Gadi seri on the Percussion 07.04.2014
Sofi and the Baladis
TresCultura 2017
Flint Michigen 2018
Marietta Ohio 2018
Back Stage Dixon Illinis


  • 1 1/2 cups plain flour
  • 1/4 cup caster sugar
  • 125g butter, chilled, chopped
  • 1 egg, lightly beaten
  • 200g unsalted macadamia nuts

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01Nulla vestibulum ultrices felis sit amet dapibus. Suspendisse et ligula hendrerit, auctor justo vel, sagittis metus. Mauris tincidunt quam eu pulvinar sagittis. Pellentesque imperdiet, purus vel feugiat pharetra, lectus velit scelerisque nisi, a aliquam nibh augue vel urna. In volutpat tellus et pulvinar varius. Aenean ultricies euismod rhoncus.

02Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla scelerisque magna et orci porttitor ullamcorper. Proin euismod pretium dolor non consectetur. Aliquam feugiat nunc ac justo hendrerit, non lobortis lacus condimentum. Duis id erat nunc. Nam eu aliquam velit. Donec pretium sed quam quis pulvinar.

03Cras eleifend iaculis purus sed hendrerit. Nulla facilisi. Sed congue semper consequat. Nam viverra semper libero, a luctus eros. Nulla porttitor commodo velit nec rhoncus. Vivamus blandit tellus risus, et hendrerit nisi aliquet ut. Ut imperdiet orci tellus, in tristique urna mattis eu.

